The New and Final season of True Blood started airing on the 22nd of June
Quick recap for the previous season : SEASON 6
Sookie and Eric escaped from the authority , Bill turned into the reincarnation of Lilith -mother vampire- after drinking Lilith's blood. Tara is turned into a vampire by Pam . Jason meets an old man , and he thinks that its Warlow but it turns out to be a long lost relative (their faerie grand father ) who came to Warn and help sookie from Warlow .
Eric thwart Gov. Burrell's plans . Bill enlists a True Blood innovator to synthesize a new type of blood , Lafayette summons Sookie's dead parents and , sookie discovers the truth about her parents' death and knows more about why Warlow is after her . Sookie meets a new guy called Ben and invites him over for dinner . Bill seek Lilith's advice on the crisis between humans and vampires . Eric, Pam, Nora, Jason Jessica and Tara get an inside look at Vamp Camp , Eric discovers the truth about True Blood's resumed production -Hep v-
Bill attacks the Governor's residence, kills him and uses his powers to force the guards to kill each other.
Eric makes a last-ditch attempt to save Nora by pledging allegiance to Bill. Jason "breaks-in"again to the vamp-camp to save Jessica.
Sookie and Warlow move to their special hiding place -a parallel faerie world- She gives Warlow her blood, she takes his blood and asks her to marry him , but she doesn't know what to say . Nora dies, Eric decides to take the vampire fate into his own hands. Sookie struggles between staying human/fae or letting Warlow turn her -vamp/fae- to save Vampire kind . Sookie and Bill clash over Bill's desire to use Warlow's blood , Sarah Newlin escapes but before that she opens the roof of the White Room in order to burn the trapped vamps , Bill -with lilith and warlow's blood- arrives in time to save the trapped vamps and offered them his blood to become immune from sunlight . All the vamps are free again . In Bon Temps, a funeral takes place for Terry Bellefleur .
In the season finale , Bill losses his power due to the excessive feeding from his blood . Sookie tries to convince Ben/Warlow to date her rather than marry her , Warlow becomes violent and hold her captive . Jessica encourages Bill to save Sookie, and they take the help of Jason, Violet, Andy and Adylin. Bill saves Sookie, But Warlow soon overtakes everyone and just as he is ready to take Sookie with him, her Grandfather appears and holds him while Jason puts a stake through Warlow's heart. As soon as Warlow dies, the power of walking in daylight is also taken away from all other vampires who inherited the trait , Eric far away in Sweden loses the power which causes him to burn. after few months Bill has become a writer, Sam Merlotte is the new Mayor, Arlene has taken over Sam's bar and renamed it "Bellefleur's", and the Hep V infection is running amok among the vamps .
The new and final season started with the Hep V vamps -infected vamps- attacking Mayor Sam Merlot's reconciliation BBQ (reconciliation between humans and vamps) where Sam was assigning a healthy vampire for each human Family in the sake of safety and protection , but the Hep V vamps ruined everything ; Tara dies in the attack , the Hep V vamps abduct Sam's pregnant girlfriend Nicole as well as Arlene and Holly .
Meanwhile Pam is looking for Eric and ended up in Marrakesh where she felt that Tara (her progeny) died , she was able to get hold of some hints to where she can find Eric
Sam's opponent -Gibson- found out the truth about him and told the rest of Bon Temps' Civilians that their Mayor is not really a human but a shape-shifter , the civilians turns against their Mayor and his crew

Arlene and Holly came up with a plan to escape , but everything falls apart when the infected vamps discover their Wiccan circle , and took Holly to help them get more humans to feed on , Sookie left Alcide -her werewolf boyfriend- without notice to join Bill in his plan , Since Sookie is a human/fae she can easily attract the Hep V vamps , Holly finds Sookie in the woods and as soon as the Hep V vamps attacked Sookie and Bill , Sam and Alcide joined in the fight and killed off the present infected vamps , Everyone was after everyone and the Civilians of Bon temps ran into the fight and shot Alcide , Jessica offers to Turn Alcide into a wereworlf/vamp and Sookie refuses . on the other side of the world Pam finds Eric and discoveres that he is infected , Eric and Pam revisits old memories -Godric , Nora , Sylvie ...-
It seems like the story line is going down hill , the screenwriters decided to kill off two main characters -Tara and Alcide- and infected The most loved character of the show " Eric Northman "
The Story and the show are nice , and I have no doubt about the talent of the Actors and that's why I keep watching it , but this last two seasons in my opinion were written and filmed in a haste , probably the bad thing is that each episode is written and directed by a different person . or maybe its due to the change of producers from Alan Ball to Mark Hudis to Brian Buckner ....
But this won't stop me from being a real Trubie .
Enjoy the New/Last season Truebies