Shattered and extremely exhausted I slept for a long time and today when I woke up with tense muscles and a sour throat , but who cares ? right ? when you are feeling quite satisfied , pumped and driven . I for sure miss the hassle and the rush and the sleepless nights and catching the "right" bus to be get to NTNU/Samfundet on time ... or not ! xD

I might not have been able to visit Rockheim , Pirbadet or Tyholttårnet but Samfundet and HiST were the place to be ; to either share our different stories and work on finding solutions to corrupt practices or even hang out and party .

I might not have been able to see any of the Fjords or shop properly but I got the chance to See the Dalai lama gives a speech and answer our questions , I got the chance to listen to Peter Eigen and enjoy a silent night at Nidaros Cathedral .
I didn't make a snowman but I have been one myself , when we had a snow fight in the midst of Hurricane Ola .
I might not have enjoyed the meals in Sit NTNU but I surely appreciated the good company and passionate and heated conversations and panel discussions .
I might not like House and trance music (I am not a club person anyway.) but of course I Enjoyed our nights at Bodegaen and klubben and most of all i enjoyed the Silent disco night .
I haven't been able to see the northern lights but I was able to watch Moddi , Palmface and Västerbron perform live at Knaus , Samfundet.
I might not have been to a Metal music concert but I witnessed one of the best Folk choruses play during the entertainment pause of the Parliament day . (videos will follow)
I might not have been able to get along with everyone , but I surely respect each and everyone I met during my stay in Trondhjem ,and I am here by your side to fight any kind of corruption and support any petition or movement that arise in the name of creating a world free of corruption .
To my multinational workshop family , you've been an amazing supportive team I learned from you as much as you learned from me , and this exchange was the best part of workshop#8 .
Team leaders , you truly are THE leaders that everyone wish for , you have been the warmest people people I've ever met , your work and dedication and precision is unbelievable . you opened your souls to us not just your houses,
To my Norwegian family , you have been amazing hosts you opened up your home and arms to me and I would love to visit you again when I have enough money. I wish you all the best and I send my kisses to all of you . but more specifically to the little munchkin Elias .
To my co-ISFiT'ers , the end of the festival and going back to our home countries is just the beginning of a new chapter , and I hope that this experience marked you as much as it marked me .
NOW the real FIGHT against corruption begin
Stay strong ,
Hold your heads up high
and wage transparency and peace.
To my Norwegian family , you have been amazing hosts you opened up your home and arms to me and I would love to visit you again when I have enough money. I wish you all the best and I send my kisses to all of you . but more specifically to the little munchkin Elias .
To my co-ISFiT'ers , the end of the festival and going back to our home countries is just the beginning of a new chapter , and I hope that this experience marked you as much as it marked me .
NOW the real FIGHT against corruption begin
( the whole workshop jammed at Frøydis' tiny living room is one of the best memories to recall , the best moments were when Agnes made a presentation )
last meal together (even though people started disappearing from the full table we once had ... )
Stay strong ,
Hold your heads up high
and wage transparency and peace.