samedi 26 avril 2014

And the Reed said I Do

This is not your average love story ,
This is the tale of two souls intertwined in a higher dimension
A meeting that changed the course of history , At least from my point of view . 
I know that those who can relate are few.
This is The tale of two lovers
The tale of two men who fell in love with each other and the divine .
It is a love beyond these physical manifestations.
Sex won't quench their thirst for they are aerials.

Don’t you dare and mistake it for sin

For the divine they rose above with their fingers interlocked
Thats why i am telling you that this is not your average love story
They clutched each other's hands and walked as one.
Rumi was no more than a teacher ,
Shams was no more than a Preacher ,
But together they rose to be greater than anyone .
Poetry was pouring from Rumi's mouth
Rainbows of greatness and awe .
Their love is ethereal and will never cease  to grow ,

So don’t you dare and mistake it for sin

Shams  gave his heart and soul
To the one yearning for them
Taught  him love and showed him the way to the one
The path is long and may not reach the sun
the Journey itself might take a spun
but keep yourself aligned with the one
and you’ll reach the state of ecstasy and fun

so don’t you dare and mistake their love for sin

Shams ‘blood nourished the song
And made Rumi Whirl in woe
Lamenting the loss of the awakened one
And now he feeds on the sound of the snitched Reeds
But he kept his mind focused on one thing
That of being aligned with the one
The divine in everyone

And Rumi Said :
“I belong to no religion
My religion is Love
Every heart is my temple “

He knew at the end that it was planned
And that his heart will eventually be mended
Yet he wept ,except that he afterwards accepted the unacceptable
And devoted himself to the sound of the far away Reed
That one which he mystically  feed
It said ; I do, I do feel your  love and pain
He Kept  on whirling and whirling that was a need
Yet he never felt dizzy nor wanted to sleep
His sunshine already nourished his leaves

and it was time for him to be freed 

I dare you to say that this love was a physical need .

2 commentaires:

  1. This is reminiscent of the movie "Brokeback Mountain" :)
    Beautifully written dear, keep it up *-*

    1. thank you soooooo much Sondes i was talking about Mawlana Rumi and Shams of Tabriz , i honesty have no idea about the movie that you mentioned i bet its worth watching i'l check it soon .
