jeudi 10 octobre 2019

The uncharted Void

Deep down there is a void that no one wants to speak of. 
It's the darkest place in your being, damp and lonesome. 
Uncharted it is, yet it has and will always be there.
Whether you are happy or depressed it will always exist.

In your calmest warmest moments, it will come creeping out of nowhere. 
In your worst days, it is a constant that will never leave. 
Lurking in the back of your mind, like a demon in the deepest pits of hell
Awaiting your descent, expecting you to fall like Icarus. 

It's a lonely journey, a long night without rest,
An aimless walk in the woods and an endless drive through the desert. 
It's the only haunted mansion in the prairie, it's a deserted village 
A radioactive hospital during war, it is anything but wholesome. 

Fighting against it will never lead anywhere,
Embracing it might be a better solution.
Your shadow self, Embrace it
It is the Yin to your Yang,
The Hyde to your Jekyll, the Lestat to your Louis 
And the chaos to your calm mind.   

A duality that will never cease, a mix that you will learn to ease
A life long partnership that you will master in time. 
Like Persephone, Goddess of spring and Queen of the underworld. 
Like Hel, half dead and half alive. 
Like Blodeuwedd, the May Queen and the owl. 

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