samedi 26 septembre 2015

My Top 7 Favorite Heroes/Heroines

Top 7 Favorite Heroes/Heroines

The Original Post was Top 20 Favorite Heroes/Heroines , I  cut it down to My favorite 7 those I always remember and hugely had a crush on .

I /MY UTMOST FAVORITE: Lisbeth Salander - Millenium trilogy By Stieg Larsson (Also Widely known as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

Portrayed by Naomi Rapace In the original Swedish movies.  


"Mikael Blomkvist: I've got absolutely no idea who these people are or how they're connected to the death of a sixteen year old girl, but they must be somehow. What we're going to do is find out who these people are, what happened to them, and what these Leviticus verses have to do with anything.
Lisbeth Salander : [gets up and begins walking away]
Mikael Blomkvist : What're you doing?
Lisbeth Salander : Getting started. You can keep talking if you want."

II/ Bernard Marx - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 

Quote 1 :

Lenina : Cleanliness is next to fordliness.
Bernard : Yes, and civilization is sterilization.

Quote 2 : 

“…because progress is lovely, isn't it ?” said Lenina . “ five hundred repetitions once a week from thirteen to seventeen “ said Bernard wearily as though to himself . “what did you say ?” “I said progress was lovely…”

III/Atticus Finch -To kill a mocking Bird by Harper Lee:

IV/Gregor Samsa - The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka :

V/Dorian Grey - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde :


"- Love 
-An illusion 
- Religion 
- The fashionable substitute for belief 
-You are a sceptic 
- Never ! scepticism is the beginning of faith 
- What are you ?
-To define is to limit"

VI/  The Biologist - Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer :


“I leaned in closer, like a fool, like someone who had not had months of survival training or ever studied biology. Someone tricked into thinking that words should be read.”

VII/ Elric Of Melniboné - from the Elric Saga by Michael Moorcock:


“And now, Elric had told three lies. The first concerned his cousin Yyrkoon. The second concerned the Black Sword. The third concerned Cymoril. And upon those three lies was Elric's destiny to be built, for it is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction.”

2 commentaires:

  1. I know none of them but Elric is a pretty interesting one

    1. I assure you that all of them are fantastic , each in his way . But the common point for all of them is their Rebellious attitudes . you should also definitely read & watch the Millenium trilogy . Lisbeth is such a Badass :D
