lundi 21 septembre 2015

Tag #2 : Top 5 books I will Never Read

Top 5 books I will never read/or finish :

The order :  N°5 most likely to be read
                   N°1 least likely to be even touched .

N°5 Looking for Alaska

Here is the thing about John Green , I highly  appreciate the author and his work on his Youtube Channel and specially on Crash course  
a lot of people recommended me to read his Novel Looking for Alaska , I never thought that Alaska would be a Girl ..
Anyhow, I started  reading , only to be turned off after few pages , it turned out to be a super teenagy romance/drama which isn't exactly my type of books . there was no intrigue , it simply wasn't a page turner for me .

N°4  TFiOS (The Fault in Our Stars)

There was this whole big FUSS/BUZZ about it on social Media when it came out and all of my friends where running after it and buying the book and all , and I just stood back til the movie came out , the book simply sounded lame to me , but since there is a movie coming out I will watch it . that's what happened.
 My intuition never betrays me, it turned out exactly how I thought it will be, a sappy love story with a touch of drama .

N°3 Twilight Saga

 From where should I start ? this one is a whole saga not a single book
Me Being the Fervent Vampire lover I am , I was devastated after watching the first movie to the point where I decided to never read the books EVER.
PS: want books/movies about vampire that are worth your time ? Read Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles ; with Akasha ,Lestat , Louis , Armand and the whole bunch of Anne Rice'S Vampires

*Meme time*

Lestat trying to read from Twilight (Interview with a vampire , Tom Cruise Starring as Lestat De Lioncourt ) 

Louis , Lestat and Armand laughing at Edward Cullen

Akasha and Lestat (Aliyah as Akasha , Stuart Townsend as Lestat in Queen of the damned)

N°2 Fifty Shades of Grey (Trilogy)

Ehem , from where should I start ? from the fact that it is a Twilight fanfiction turned into a book or from the bad writting style of  E L James ? never mind, this came out when I was in England it was huge ,all bookstores had it on their windowpanes and it was on discount and everyone was buying it , I fell into the pit/hip and got the first two books out of curiosity , I read no more than 7 pages and then i threw it away , as far away as possible . I can't be tolerant , I can't tolerate bad writing , I have no issues with Erotica , but this , this thing ,honestly, shouldn't be called a book at all .

N°1 Grey (Fifty shades sequel) 

Ehem, same thing applies to this one too ...

Tagging time ;

Ben Hazem Sahar from MybookClub and Nesrine koôli from Romans entre Amis

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